Petition: Help Us Get Speed Bumps on Our Block

Please help us make our neighborhood safer and quieter — sign this petition for adding speed bumps to our block. From the petition description:

Many of us see and hear cars speeding through our block throughout the day, evening, and night-time hours. In some cases, the speeding has caused incidents that resulted in property damage and, tragically, severely hurt children.

We all have a desire to live on a safe and peaceful environment. The installation of speed bumps on our block will help deter cars from speeding and help promote more safety and less chaos.

Currently there are 2 ACTIVE cases/requests for speed bumps on our block, both are in the STUDY phase. The purpose of this petition is to fortify the request with support from all 368A – 429A Block Association members and neighboring blocks. Our goal is to collect 200+ signatures.

Upon reaching a critical mass of signatures, the signed petition will then be submitted to our local City Council Member, Robert E. Cornegy, and the NYC Department of Transportation with a request to expedite the 2 pending studies and move to implementation.

We are asking you to take 2 actions:

1. Add your name to your support for installing SPEED BUMPS ON DECATUR ST.

2. Please share with others you believe will support this effort.

So please, SIGN and SHARE. Your voice matters!

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